the herbwise ways

The deep green mysteries of plant spirit work can be found in the ways of spiritual herbalism, herb magic, plant journeys, and the ancient paths of wortcunning.

Here, you'll find an ever-growing collection of classes and courses that will guide you into the wildness of our verdant allies.


From Our Community...

“I have been interested in herbalism all my life, even before I knew it was called "herbalism." However, I felt the subject was too complicated and overwhelming for most of my life. But, when I found Josh's teachings, I felt I finally found a welcoming path into herbalism. I've taken courses by other teachers and read books by different authors, but something was always missing. Plants were usually talked about as tools rather than allies, and the nuance of each human's unique condition seemed to be ignored. As such, I was immediately drawn to Josh's deep respect and enthusiasm for plant allies. His depth and breadth of knowledge, while remaining humble and funny, have made me a devoted student of his work. All of his courses (free and paid) are insightful; his passion is contagious, and his respect for plant allies is inspiring. I highly recommend Josh's work to anyone interested in learning herbalism and wanting to explore a plant spirit practice.”

Heather, USA

“Josh’ multi dimensional herbal knowledge and ability to communicate and teach to a wide range of learners is second to none as is his relationship with the plant kin-dom! What I have learned from him has enhanced my life and he inspires me to deeper levels of knowledge and relationship with the plant spirits every time I take part in one of his wonderful workshops . ”

Sarah, UK

“Josh Williams as a teacher is pretty straight forward and concrete, which is something that's rarely found in general. His lectures are well prepared and organized and you simply know he’ll be there to back you up if you needed it. I really appreciate Josh's authenticity, attitude and energy. He pass on his vast knowledge in a very approachable and simple ways. What attracted me to Josh is his legitimacy and “down to earth” feel to him. I could feel that plants themselves talk trough him. Josh as a teacher transforms learning into a truly “easy to follow” adventure.”

Marija, Bosnia & Herzegovina